How To Use Toners For Radiant Skin!
At it’s most basic, a complete skin care regimen is “cleanse, tone and moisturize”. Many people though just cleanse and moisturize skipping the always important use of a skin toner in between.
Using a high quality toner like those in Sevani’s all natural skin care line really is a large part of the process though. Toners that contain highly prized natural ingredients not only tone your skin but offer many other benefits as well including:
reducing redness
preventing accelerated aging
decreasing pore size
balancing oil secretions
eliminating dead skin cell build up
improving circulation
minimizing fine lines and wrinkles
In addition to all of these positive effects toners offer your skin, the major reason behind using them regularly is maintaining the overall PH Balance of the skin. This in turn prepares your cleansed skin to receive the many benefits of your eco certified moisturizer. Without using a toner though your skin not only misses out on the benefits the toner itself offers, but also many of those your moisturizer would have provided had the toner been able to prepare the skin properly first.
When selecting the skin toner you’d like to use, remember that all natural skin care ingredients are the best choice both for effectiveness and quality. For example Sevani’s toners use mild organic fruit acids and/or willow bark to enhance collagen and exfoliate the skin gently while helping skin retain moisture and look its best.
Another reason organic toners are recommended is that they don’t contain isopropyl alcohols, phthalates, chemical preservatives or parabens like the conventional toners use. These ingredients can actually work against your efforts for healthy skin and instead, damage it. For example, alcohol actually dries out your skin and some research shows that phthalates can cause cancer. Plant-based ingredients and preservatives though are actually safe to use and add moisture and other beneficial properties to the skin.
Not all natural skin care products are created equal though so be sure to read the ingredient list and, if you’d like, you can even contact the licensed holistic aesthetician here at The Skin Specialist for advice about what to use and what NOT to use.
After you’ve chosen the natural skin toner you’d like to use you can apply it in one of three different ways
First, you can use a damp cotton pad, this is the method that is commonly used.
You may also simply apply to clean hands and press into the skin.
An atomizer can also be used to spray the toner onto your face. Another method is through the use of a tonic gauze facial mask. This mask is made out of a piece of gauze which has been covered or soaked in a toner solution and is made to stay on the face for a few minutes.
No matter what method you choose, now that you know how beneficial toners made out of organic, chemical free ingredients are, you’re surely on your way to a healthier, more refreshed, and youthful looking skin.
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