Sound and Scent Harmonic Renewal Facial

Thinking outside the Botox:

These unique treatments below blend oriental medicine, 5 element theory, ancient shamanic sound practices, cosmo alignment, and contemporary science along with healing principles for the ultimate in sound therapy, for mind, body, beauty and spirit.

This unique application offers a needle free, pain free, skin care integrated approach based on acupuncture points, 5 element theory and vibrational benefits to shift energy and support renewal. The harmonic vibration of our specially calibrated forks enhances circulation increasing collagen and elastin production for incredible results. Using a combination of specially calibrated tuning forks instead of needles, we can achieve the same results with a less invasive experience; which is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating. In specific intervals the forks are applied to acupuncture points and muscles, to lift, improve skin tone, and firm the face.

Using specially calibrated tuning forks and pressure instead of needles, we can achieve the same results with an even less invasive experience; which is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating. In specific intervals the forks are applied to acupuncture points and muscles, to lift, improve skin tone, and firm the face. For mind, body and beauty…it doesn’t get any better!

Treatment:  The Skin Harmonic Renewal protocol is specifically designed for each client’s constitution based on the Chinese 5 element theory. A specially selected serum is applied to the skin, then two forks are placed on specific points on the face to rejuvenate, tone, decrease puffiness and lift areas. The forks are activated then applied along meridian pathways and chakra systems, to reach places deep within the cells, not accessible otherwise. You will experience the vibration (vibrasion) as the paths are cleared of blockages and energy begins to shift, resulting in a healthy glow, improved collagen synthesis and elastin enhancement, these are the proteins which firm and support the skin structure.

The sound and scent renewal facial increases circulation, decreases wrinkles, and stimulates collagen and cells giving an overall glow and improved skin tone. Specially formulated masks and therapeutic grade oils are included in the treatment, ending with a special tonic and cream containing ancient all natural botanicals including sacred lotus extract for brightening and balancing the skin. Crystals and various products may be incorporated into your treatment depending on your specific needs. Benefits can be observed in as little as one treatment. Results are cumulative, thus 6-8 treatments are recommended for optimal improvement.

The sound and scent facial procedure is a whole body healing experience as forks are also placed on the body to stimulate meridians that correspond to the client’s constitution. There are many points on the face that correspond to internal organs and these are treated according to conditions such as puffiness or dark circles around the eyes that would indicate issues of the kidneys or liver respectively.    Planetary Tuning Forks


Sound & Scent Renewal Facial:

  • Improves collagen production skin elasticity
  • Increases lymphatic drainage to purify
  • Improves skin tone and color
  • Minimize fine lines and wrinkles
  • Minimize puffing and swelling
  • Tones, tightens and brightens
  • Minimize dark circles and encourage drainage
  • Improves acne (caused by hormonal imbalance)
  • Effects are cumulative and last for years with monthly maintenance treatments

Sound and Scent Renewal Body Treatments

Our specially calibrated tuning forks are applied to acupuncture points and energy centers,  circulating energy in the meridian pathways, and rebalancing the chakras.

In Oriental Medicine, pain and disease are caused by interruptions and blocks in the natural flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and  spirit.  When these impediments are removed, the flow of energy resumes, restoring proper physiological functioning, emotional stability, andspiritual alignment.

Sound vibrations penetrate the acupuncture points more effectively than needles, traveling deep into the body, and reaching places not easily accessed by traditional medicine.

These unique treatments blend oriental medicine, 5 element theory, ancient shamanic sound practices, cosmo alignment, and contemporary science along with healing principles for the ultimate in sound therapy, for mind, body, beauty and spirit.

A combination of specially calibrated tuning forks and singing bowls will be applied to meridians to clear blockages and enhance the movement of “chi” (qi) to promote health and well-being while also promoting radiant, and healthier skin as a result of lymphatic drainage and improved circulation.

Constitutional Benefits:

  • Reduce symptoms of PMS and menopausal challenges
  • Reduce sinus pressure and headaches
  • Reduces symptoms of toothache, TMJ, and neuralgia
  • Promotes healthy digestion
  • Helps to eliminate puffiness and edema
  • Reduce chronic pain symtoms
  • Helps promote better sleep – which results in pain reduction
  • Minimize anxiety, depression and stress
  • Promotes total health and well-being

*8-10 treatments are recommendated for optimal results, followed by regularly scheduled maintenance treatments*

Our specialist will do an evaluation, and discuss your concerns and share her approach for your sessions.

Sound and Scent Renewal Facial $145
Harmonic Renewal Body Treatment $125

Please email to schedule your appointment in advance, providing 3 days and times that are best.


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