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AdvoCAT Cosmetics Lip Balm

» Price: $5.00
» Product Code: AdvoCAT

Product Information

The AdvoCAT ™ Unflavored Lip Balm was developed by an animal advocate with the mission to support various animal welfare organizations.
100% of proceeds are donated to a different organization each quarter!

These purrfectly pure™ lip balms are comprised of nutrient rich organic oils, soothing butters and all natural flavor from pure plant and fruit sources! Always nontoxic, vegan, nongmo and free of artificial ingredients & synthetic flavors!  Always cruelty free...

Learn more about our mission and the various orgs. we support here.. www.NurtureNatureNow.com

Thank you for your contribution.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

 Mahatma Gandhi


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