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Crazy Cat Lady Pawchouli Purrfume & Beauty Balm

Crazy Cat Lady Pawchouli Purrfume & Beauty Balm
» Price: $26.00 $22.00
» Product Code: CCL-Pawchouli

Product Information

Get your glow on with our all-natural Pawchouli  (Patchouli) Beauty Balm and Purrfume, offering the finest patchouli essential oil blend in a base of hydrating organic coconut oil. Use to quickly alleviate the effects of dehydrated skin, and aging or place a dab here and there as an earthy, relaxing perfume with its light notes of lavenpurr  and tangerine. You’ll want to tuck this little wonder into your purse so you’ll always be ready to pounce. Purrfection!

Great For:
Acne, eczema, psoriasis, dry, dehydrated, lack luster, mature skin and wrinkles. 

Soothing stress-relieving aroma.

Access your inner hippie with pawchouli !


Apply to skin as desired. As a purrfume, apply to wrists, temples, behind ears or in the hair. Inhale deeply to experience the benefits of purrfectly pure  aromas.

Vegan | NonGMO | NonToxic | Cruelty Free | Gluten Free

- 1 oz | 15 gr

- For dry and combination skin

- Made in the USA

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