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Crazy Cat Lady Gritty Kitty Purrifying Litter Mask

Crazy Cat Lady Gritty Kitty Purrifying Litter Mask
» Price: $22.00
» Product Code: CCL-LITTERMASK

Product Information

Gritty Kitty ™ Litter Mask

Don't fret - it's not "actual" kitty litter - but a gray therapeutic clay with incredible properties!

Cultivate a natural glow with our 100% naturally derived pure volcanic ash clay mask. Inspired by, but not made from, all natural kitty litter - this wholesome and pure face mask is a miraculous beauty solution for even the most problematic skin. It is bursting with nutritive minerals that quiet irritated skin and promotes a more smooth, toned and youthful appearance.  
The "electric" charge that occurs after hydrated  creates a sponge-like effect beneficial for absorbing toxins and minimizing irritation of the skin from bug bites, redness and more. May also be used for a skin softening purifying bath or a paste to treat acne blemishes.

 - face or body mask for blemishes

 - skin softening bath additive

 - skin poultice for bites, scrapes, irritation

 - detoxification of the face/body

 - binds to heavy metals and toxins and provides minerals for purification

& just about any topical application you can think of!

To groom:  make a paste in a glass bowl using the Purrifying ™, Chamomeow or Menopaws ™ mist, or just plain water, tea or juice.  Consider the Furever Young Serum if you prefer a more hydrating mask.  The clay will swell upon hydration. Cleanse and apply to area(s) of concern for 15-20 minutes then rinse thoroughly.  May also be left on a bug bite/irritation as a poultice with moistened gauze replaced every 2 hours as needed.

(metal bowls are not recommended and may lessen the charge and effectivity, please always mix in glass)

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